Saturday, July 7, 2012

So, there are only 34 more days left until I get on a plane for Germany. I am in the final few weeks of fundraising, and even during this last week there have been ups and downs. It is usually during a low moment, that I tell God (not for the first time) that I can’t do this anymore.

As Americans, we live in a culture where there is no such thing as “I can’t.” We are taught at a young age that we can do anything we want to do and be anyone we want to be if we work hard enough. While I can appreciate the emphasis on setting goals and working hard to achieve those goals, what I have been learning for the last several months is that sometimes God calls us to do things that we cannot do ourselves. This has been a frustrating lesson for me to learn – after all, it just seems mean to ask someone to do something, knowing fully well they aren’t capable of getting the job done. But God isn’t calling us to do these impossible tasks all on our own, and that changes everything.

Through the last several months, God has been reminding me that He is on my team, He can do anything, and because of those two things I know “I can do all things through Christ.” I think that God likes it when I am in a place where I finally realize just how much I need Him and how His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

So, right now, I have about 41% of my financial support which is incredibly exciting! I’ve been amazed and moved by the generosity of so many different people. In order for me to be allowed to buy a plane ticket for Germany, I still need pledges for about $850 per month. With less than 34 days, it IS going to take an act of God for this to happen; instead of stressing out about this, I’ve decided that I’m going to keep on doing my part, and I am going to watch as God works. I’m excited that I get to see how He pulls this one off.